Category Archives: Websites/Online tools

266. My Photo Stitch

Cross-stitching is just retro pixelart. At  MyPhotoStitches you can upload an image, then the site will generate a free cross-stitch pattern based on the colors it finds. You can make a simple and quick pattern, or you can use the advanced form to make more specific adjustments.

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255. Rock, Paper, Scissors

I never knew Rock, Paper Scissors was about strategy, (you can even buy a book about it or train online) but with the help of this infographic I’m sure I’ll win every game from now on. (click to enlarge)

And when this game becomes to easy and no one will play with you anymore because you always win, you can always play Sheldons version Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock:

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253. Twitter 6th Birthday

Yesterday it was Twitters bithday. Six years ago Jack Dorsey sketched out his idea on a little piece of paper and since then this idea has grown out to be a communication tool with 140 million active users and 340 million tweets a day.

#iftwitterdidnotexist I would go to sleep on time, I would complete my homework in time and  my phone battery would last so much longer.

#iftwitterdidnotexist a # would still be the most useless button on a phone

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252. Microwhat

There sure are some weird weblogs out there. One of them must be Microwhat, a tumblr with before and after pictures of  microwaved food (and other objects). These bananas have been microwaved for 559 seconds.

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224. Free Magenta

Back in 2007 T-mobile didn’t want other Dutch companies using the colour Magenta (bright pink, or should I say, minus green?) so they trademarked the colour No. 395 52 630. The graphic designers from Lava made the website to show the consequences.

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223. Minutephysics

I love the YouTube channel Minutephysics. The makers philosophy: explaining cool physics and other sweet science in a simple way, because “if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” ~Albert Einstein. They made for instance this nice video explaning that there is no pink, only minus green.

And because it wouldn’t been a YouTube-channel without a catvideo, here you go:

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204. 9GAG

9GAG is a place where fun creators and bored people meet. One of the inside jokes is that 9GAG takes your soul and it is true! Since I discoverd the site a few weeks ago, I have been spending way to much time over there. So I should warn you… Enter at your own risk (or when you’re a ginger).

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198. Skittle Art

A nice site a came across:

195. New Year’s Resolution Generator

Today is the day that you need to come up with you new year’s recolutions. If you need some inspiration for that, be sure to check out the New Year’s Resolution Generator!

191. The 90 Best Tumblr Blogs of 2011

BuzzFeed made a list with the 90 best Tumblr blogs of 2011. Some are really cool, like I Love Charts and Lonely Cheetos. But maybe the best one is Dads are the Original Hipsters, a Tumblr showcasing pictures of dads from yesteryear in all their hipster glory.

177. Society6

I found this fine art print Famous Capsules – The big One on Society6, a design society that works with the same concept as Threadless, that I was talking about earlier. Thousands of artists from around the world can send in their work and sell it on-line. I pretty much like all of it, but this print is the best.

174. Nerd Holiday

I love Nerd Holiday. A site with Holiday gift ideas for nerds and I have to admit, I kind of want… EVERYTHING! Curated by Amrit Richmond.

143. Twinoo

I just found this really cool game Twinoo on the internet, where you can find out whether you  think logical or you have a more grapic brain. As the games says: May the best hemisphere win!

133. Clients From Hell

Clients From Hell is a collection of anonymously contributed client horror stories from designers and webnerds. It’s funny!

 “I need this campaign to change direction completely, spin around in the other direction.  I know 360 degrees makes you point the same way again, so I guess I’m asking for a 359 degree change.”

ME: “So you want us to exert the most amount of effort for the least amount of change…”

CLIENT: “What? No. 359 degrees! Big change!”

124. Teenage Mutant Ninja Noses

I’ve got a new favourite blog: Teenage Mutant Ninja Noses. Made me laugh out loud!