Category Archives: Want to have!

167. Horsey

So I found my Christmaspresent: ‘Horsey‘ is an attachable bicycle ornament/accessory which makes one’s bicycle look like a hors! It was designed by Eungi Kim for the ‘seoul cycle design competition 2010‘. Awesome!

161. Threadless

I love the concept (and webshop!) of Threadless. On their website everybody can submit a design for a t-shirt, hoodie or bag.  All designs printed on Threadless-stuff are voted on and picked by the community of over 1 million members.
Moreover they’re pairing up with all the good guys: social movements for socially focused design competitions, non-profits and world-changing organizations. Like for instance UNICEF (see picture below).

Click here for their site and webshop and here if you want to make a design yourself.

160. Cement ‘Pearl’ Earrings

I never loved pearl earrings (or any other pearl-jewellery), so these concrete / cement versions are perfect for me. They look like little moons! $50 (€37) at Canoe.

158. Pizza Sleeping Bag

I found yet another must-have on Esty: this pizza sleeping bag! This amazing sleeping bag comes with five vegetable pillows (two mushrooms, one broccoli, and two olives) and looks  extremely warm, comfortable and just hilarious!

155. Survival of the Hippest

Survival of the hippest makes jewellery to increase you social networth. You can oder a necklace, bracelet or pin with your @TwitterID or a #Hashtag. It’s a perfectly way to identify yourself to your existing Twitterfriends (who may not recognize you from your proper name or tiny Twitter picture).

149. Green Mailbox

Designed by Marcial Ahsayane, this wall-mounted mailbox has a special shelf that holds a flower pot. A special notch in the “roof” is folded into a v-shape so that rainwater can run off and irrigate the plant.

146. Soundwave Bracelets

About sixty posts ago, I wrote about Bespoken Art, where they print the soundwave of an important word, sentence or lyrics on canvas. This time I found something even cooler!
Someone got the idea to make custom bracelets of a soundwave rendered in 3D! The original idea was to make soundadvice-bracelets, to remind kids to stay on the right track. Unfortunately the project has ended, so you can’t order them anymore, but the idea is neat!

144. Sorapot

Sorapot is a very stylish and very expensive teapot made from stainless steel and pyrex. Designed byJoey Roth, it is undeniably a beautiful creation. There’s even a matching teacup.

137. Animatronic Door

Wanna have the scariest house at the block on Halloween? You should think about buying this terrifing animatronic door. It creates relly realistic illusions (made by Hi-Rez Designs) of an axe wielding killer who is trying to break through or a nurse who is trying to escape from a killer. It only costs 3500 USdollar (2471 euro) and you will have a really scary door that is equipped with 22 inch LCD monitor and all the necessary electronics and pneumatics.

132. Photoshop Fridge Magnets

If anyone has trouble finding me a bithday present, I love these photoshop fridge magnets ;-)

130. Pantone Christmas Ornaments

Can’t wait for Christmas! Especially not since I saw these awesome Pantone Christmas ornaments!

127. Glasshouse

Got to have this Glasshouse lamp designed by  Kristýna Pojerová . It has an internal gutter, which allows you to grow herbs and other smaller plants.

125. Nasty Tea Set

Just have to have this tea set! By  José Paulo Alves Corceiro.

123. Viewmaster Wedding Invitation

This Viewmaster wedding invitation by studio Melangerie Inc integrates the couple’s engagement photos. You can get your custom invite over at Etsy. Awesome!

122. Panoramic Ball Camera

I really want to have this throwable panoramic ball camera, just so I can check what is happening behind me while I take pictures.